When Sharon's otherwise occupied for dinner - as is occasionally the case - I like to take the opportunity to eat the sorts of things that won't fly as dinner for two. This often means rummaging through the freezer for a piece of meat that's been waiting for its moment in the spotlight, but tonight it also involved a few other odds and ends sitting around.

Tonight's dinner: seared pork chop with curry, chilli-spiced sweet potato latkes (with applesauce and sour cream), and sauerkraut. It's a bit late for the New Year - pork and sauerkraut being the good luck foods in my family tradition - but better late than never. And not one of the main elements of dinner makes Sharon's list of favorites.
I point it out, however, because of the most visually shocking part: the neon-pink sauerkraut.

Sadly, I didn't make this myself. It was a gift from a friend who came over to dinner last weekend, and he made so much he happily left the better part of a quart. Despite the freaky coloration, it's absolutely delicious, and about as natural as sauerkraut gets.1 It's fantastic raw, with just that remaining bit of textural bite, or just warmed through.
Matt tells me that the pink color was a surprise to him, too. He put just a single head of red cabbage in the corck with three or four green ones. I can only imagine what an all-red version looks like. Perhaps I'll have to try.
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1Cabbage plus salt - brine in this case - with a habanero or two and various spices, like caraway and aniseed. Plus a few weeks of fermentation magic.
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