31 January 2008

Brandied cherries.


There really isn't much going on here in the winter. But that doesn't mean there isn't good food to be had - epecially if it's been pickling in sugar and booze since summer. Case in point: some good vanilla ice cream topped with some brandied cherries.

Brandied cherries

I didn't make the ice cream, as is evidenced by the Ben & Jerry's cap. With our tiny freezer, there's no space to pre-freeze the cylinder to make any. Didn't make the cherries, either. Those were a gift from Regina and Jesse last time I was in Madison.

They were just waiting for a good opportunity. And, oh, are they ever good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay! I'm glad you liked them. We opened a jar for a "pancakes for dinner party" and enjoyed them on some chocolate chip pancakes. Yum!