Behold: the ITMFA IPA gets some big-time exposure.

Last night we took advantage of the great weather and put the grill to use for the first time since... October? Whenever it was, I hadn't expected it to be the last time for a while, so the ashes, burnt hickory chips, grease spatters, etc., were waiting for me. We invited a bunch of folks who were still in town over, tossed some goodies over the coals, and had a great time.
Also, we consumed a fair amount of beer.
Blythe was kind enough to loan me her digital camera to get a few pictures of the new beer labels I'd applied earlier in the week. They aren't ready for drinking just yet - they're carbonated, but still have that "green beer" taste - so I'm holding out before having an ITMFA party. I'll hold on to at least one of the cases for a fourth of July party. If you're going to celebrate our American freedoms, why not make a point to highlight our ability to remove the president from office?
It's a little tough to read in that photo, so here's the label in its entirety:

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