The idea of having cookies for breakfast is definitely an appealing one. Unless it's Cookie Crisp, which is creepy for a variety of reasons. Perhaps most for the box cover on Wikipedia that announces "Artificial Chocolate Chip Flavor" as though it were a selling point, though a more current version that attempts to sell this stuff as a good source of whole grains1 is certainly more sinister. But that's not what I'm after.
I mean biscotti, of course. Those cookies that require an accompanying cup of coffee2 - dunking being the thing - are somehow okay, even though a plate of chocolate chip cookies at the breakfast table is just the other side of that line of acceptability. It does make me wonder.

It's hard not to call them cookies. Enough so that I'll be teaching my students to make them in class on Wednesday, during our "Cookies" class. They said they wanted to do more than just chocolate chip cookies, so I'll accommodate.3 The recipe should be up here in a few days.
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1Who's falling for that one, honestly?
2Not my cup of tea, but a glass of milk would certainly do, too. Tea, on the other hand... okay alongside with, but dunking just doesn't seem right.
3What I'm interested to see is how they respond to cookie-making. Most, if not all of the students have made chocolate chip cookies before, and I've no doubt it's the usual Toll House recipe. Which I'm using. But I'm not letting any of them follow the recipe as it's written, because I want them to learn to modify it. So... we'll see.
wait, I'm confused- is there something WRONG with eating cookies for breakfast? because i thought that that's what Being A Grown Up was about!
Although personally I prefer a nice slice of homemade toast with butter and jam on a day-to-day basis, when I was in undergrad I LOVED to eat a brownie as my breakfast "first course."
Huh. I thought Being A Grown Up meant having a mortgage. Though I might have a skewed perspective there, as we're off to sign our lives away in about an hour. So many numbers... so many signatures...
When we have cookies about, I do occasionally nibble on one as an accompaniment to breakfast, which is usually toast with butter, or yogurt and granola, and fresh fruit when we've got it. And, every great once in a while, something like cinnamon rolls, coffee cake, or this past weekend's buttermilk blueberry pancakes. I've also been working on English muffins, but have yet to take a picture (prior to eating them all) so that I can post it up here.
wow! congratulations on signing on a house! i expect to see pictures! :)
Buttermilk makes so many things better. Which is totally amusing, because by itself, it makes me gag.
No worries; there'll be pictures. Once we've had a chance to strip down the wallpaper and repaint the place, of course. Right now, it looks like your grandmother's house because, well, it was decorated by someone's 81-year-old grandmother. Sweet woman, but she prefers a little more rose-covered wallpaper and pink paint than I'm comfortable with.
Oh, buttermilk. It's fantastic stuff. It was especially funny when the baking class students were outright terrified that the cornbread I had them make might taste all soured and funky. One of them almost refused to taste it (but was quickly won over).
mmm. gotta love the pink rose wallpaper. Maybe i should knit you a cozy for you spare roll of toilet paper for a house warming gift? ;P Then the grandma look would be truly complete.
house projects are fun, though. and "after" pictures are so much better when there are "before" pictures, too!
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