18 April 2007

Europe 2007.


Ah, vacation. What better excuse is there to bore the pants off of friends and family with interminable slideshows of all your photos?1 So, in that spirit, here's a long, meandering account of our trip to Europe, complete with pictures (and, where appropriate, recipes).

Note: I've excised most of the crummy photos. Most.

To keep things from becoming unbearably long, I've divvied things up by location. This isn't a comprehensive account of our travels, but rather a highlights reel. Should you want to hear gripes about UK Immigration at Heathrow, or other less savory portions of the trip, you'll just have to ask in person.
Should you prefer the extended slideshow - complete with droning commentary2 - please feel free to come by. Bottle or two of wine in hand.

* * * * *

1My mother did tell me that, if we planned on showing her all six hundred photos, we'd better have a bottle of wine open and ready to go.

2This is the Parthenon. This is the Parthenon from another angle. And another yet. Et cetera.

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