06 June 2006

Food cart blog!


Sitting here at my desk, feeling a little hungry, I got to thinking about A La Carte's burritos. A quick Google search reveals a brief interview with Lee Davenport, the owner, through the Isthmus. There's also a link to her blog, which is entirely food obsessed. I have no problem with this. I'm quite comfortable with the fact that someone serving me food is excited about it, is thinking about it beyond the basic level of spooning beans into a tortilla. Then again, Madison's got the reputation of being a leftist enclave, filled with all sorts of people overqualified1 for their jobs.

For example, we've got taxi drivers with more extensive postgraduate education than I have. At least one, I hear, is able to talk grad-level math. Bet that makes for an interesting ride home - especially since most everyone I know reserves taxis for those times when they're incapable of operating heavy machinery. Everyone except Jared. I'm not sure what sort of extenuating circumstances it'd take to get him in a taxi. He once walked seven and a half miles home, late at night, in the sub-freezing Wisconsin winter.

'Cause he'd had too much to drink, and needed to walk it off. One supposes it made sense at the time.2

Also of note: Ben of the Underground Food Collective looks like he's wrestling with the economics of the catering business. I point this out because they're a talented group of folks, and I'd like to see them make their unconventional catering business thrive.

* * * * *

1Overqualified as it's understood by the general population. The only reason I see for this distinction is the fact that we - as a general culture - tend to pay wages on a scale that corresponds with education level. And we expect it, too. That's fine and all, except when the low ends starts to dip below a living wage.

That said, I know enough to know that I don't have any grand suggestions.

2Or you could say, "You had to be there," except that I was there. And it still boggles the mind.

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