21 March 2009

Seven kinds of olives!


It's the six-month mark today, so it was high time to sample olives. I ate one from each of my seven batches, and they're all edible. (I'm avoiding the handful of black/moldy/etc. ones, though, so they don't count.) Some are distinct favorites: citrus, garlic, and bay leaf flavors really match well. Cinnamon? Not so much. Also, I found some more bitter than others, and all of them firmer than the ones I'm used to from the store. Plus: the olive flavor is wonderfully intense. These are not olives for the faint of heart.

From what I understand, they'll keep for at least another six months in their brine at room temperature. Refrigerated, even longer. If the flavor starts getting strong in time, refrigeration'll slow 'em down. But will they last that long?

Also: the citrus-intense variety (lemon, lime, orange, celery) is pretty damn good in a martini. More details once I've had time to give them all some serious attention.

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